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I got to know George Bruce’s poetry when setting sonnets by Edwin Morgan for male choir (Edwin Morgan wrote an introduction to Bruce’s collected poems). I first set two poems
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Like many Englishmen I had sung madrigals for pleasure – usually late at night with friends, after several glasses of wine. While these madrigals have their charm, and many are
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The Squirrel and the Ricketty-Racketty Bridge This piece was written for guitarist Derek Bailey in 1971 for inclusion on one of the first Incus Records, a label devoted to free
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Christopher Fox, Music Dept., Huddersfield, As requested here are some notes on clarinets and clarinet music. Hope they are useful. Writing for the clarinet (I’m writing this in response
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Bryars (with Tom Waits), Jesus’ blood never failed me yet, Point Music 438 823-2 (1993)A number of these works, including Jesus’ Blood, will be revived in this year’s Huddersfield Contemporary
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Edward James (1907-84) was a rich patron and collector who supported Dali and Magritte. He inherited the West Dean estate in West Sussex from his father but in 1964 donated
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!–more–> Derek Ainslie Jackson was the son of Sir Charles Jackson, barrister, landowner, art collector and authority on English silver. Derek was very close to his twin brother Vivian and
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[2351 words]The interview here is a conflation of what William Crack told Gavin Bryars and Peter Dickinson PD Did you have to audition to get the job of Lord Berners’
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GAVIN BRYARS [BBC R3 1983][3755 words – unchecked] PD What are Berners’ paintings like? GB There’s quite a wide range. They start from paintings and drawings done when he was
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Dear Richard Turner, Many thanks for your letter of December 9th asking me about Lord Berners. I’m sorry that it has taken me so long to respond but I have
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My first encounter with John Cage changed my life. I had known about Cage from quite an early age. Dr. (“Bud”) Ramsey, the extraordinarily enlightened music master at Goole Grammar
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Given her birthplace I assumed at first that Celmins’ exquisite drawing was a response to the night sky over the Baltic in the Bay of Riga. However, she seems to
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The appearance of John Berger’s Ways of Seeing in 1972 coincided with the beginning of a three-year period when I wrote no music. I was teaching in a Fine Art
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FAX MESSAGE To: Linda Saunders (Modern Painters) Date: February 29th 1996 Dear Linda, Thanks for the proof of the article. I think it reads very well and it has benefited
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I’ll start my notes on Etel in a circumlocutory sort of way, and I hope you will forgive this…. I started to write my first opera, Medea, in the summer