
Setting of sonnets from Petrarch’s Rime Sparse for 6-part a capella voices SSATBarB.





March 3, 2015

Gavin’s Notes:

Sixth Book of Madrigals

The first five of these Petrarch settings were commissioned by The Song Company and the Adelaide International Festival for performance during the time of Gavin’s residency as part of the festival in March 2015. Gavin had enjoyed working with the group two years earlier in Canberra and took the opportunity to work with them again – performing these new pieces as well as existing madrigals and laude.

The five remaining madrigals were written during the summer of 2o20 during the covid lockdown and the book is now complete. The full set of ten poems are the following:

1. 1. “Voi ch’ascoltate in rime sparse”

2. 2 “Per fare una leggiadra sua vendetta”

3. 3 “Era il giorno ch’al sol si scoloraro”

4. 17 “Piovonmi amare lagrime dal viso”

5. 18 “Quand’ io son tutto volto in quella parte”

6. 246 “L’aura che ‘l verde lauro et l’aureo crine”

7. 249 “Qual paura ò quando mi torna a mente”

8. 251 “O misera et orribil visione!”

9. 255 La sera desiare, odiar l’aurora”

10. 259 “Cercato ò sempre solitaria vita” 




Audio example is Book Six no. 5

Gavin Bryars