Email to Christopher Fox re. Sharp Practice, for The Musical Times


Occasional Writings
January 13, 2003

Bryars (with Tom Waits), Jesus’ blood never failed me yet, Point Music 438 823-2 (1993)

A number of these works, including Jesus’ Blood, will be revived in this year’s Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival.

Bryars, quoted in Keith Potter, “Just the tip of the iceberg: some aspects of Gavin Bryars’ music, Contact 22 (Summer 1981), p.11.

Bryars, “The versatile peer”, The Guardian, Friday Review (22 February 2003), pp. 18-19.

CD liner notes for A Man in a room, gambling, Point Music 456 514-2 (1996)

In this example I have renumbered the bars. Bryars’ working score runs from bar 3 to bar 77 to accommodate two bars of a click-track introduction.

Bryars, quoted in, Christopher Fox, “The Extended Clarinet”, Musical Performance, Vol. 3, Part 1 (2001)

Translations by Andrew Leak of four texts from Lieux were published by the Architectural association in AA files 45/46: Georges Perec + Paris (ed. Mark Rappolt)

In 1987 David Bellos published a fine English translation of La Vie Mode d’Emploi as Life A User’s Manual (London: Collins Harvill)

Georges Perec (trans. David Bellos), Life A User’s Manual, p.119.

Bryars, e-mail to the author, 18 July 2003 08:13

Paul Griffiths, New Sounds, New Personalities, (Faber, London, 1985), p.157

Gavin Bryars